UFI Filters Hydraulic Division presents the FORTIMAX catalogue and the UFI Hydraulics Brochure in Russian language, available in the DOWNLOAD section of the website
With the aim to improve the support to Russian customers and enhance surfing experience, UFI Hydraulics translated the most demanded brochures into the Russian language, as a further step into the direction to meet our customers’ requirements and provide easy-to-use tools and resources in our website.
UFI Hydraulics Brochure in Russian language
The UFI Filters Hydraulics BROCHURE presents an overview on the complete hydraulic product range, that includes complete filters, grouped per application (suction, pressure, return, off-line and transmission), alternative filter elements, air filters, accessories and clogging indicators.
Moreover, the DOWNLOAD section includes the brochure dedicated to FORTIMAX high pressure spin-on series in Russian language. The FORTIMAX series completes the spin-on families already present in the UFI Hydraulics range, which includes complete filters and elements for hydraulic systems on suction, return and pressure lines, with filtration from 90 microns up to 5 absolute microns and flow rates up to at 300 l/min.
The DOWNLOAD section
The DOWNLOAD section allows to quickly find and easily select any PDF file of our website and provides the option to download and easily save it. This section is continuously enriched with new technical brochures and marketing supports required by our customers.
If you do not find the document you are looking for, please contact our Customer Service or Area Manager: they will be happy to provide you with the requested information.
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