The new UFI Group hydraulic division website is on-line and, for the very first time, it unifies UFI and SOFIMA Hydraulics brands and products.
With completely renovated graphics, the site evokes the Corporate image of the UFI Group and enhances the blue colors of the company logo.
The new site, extremely renovated, allows users to enjoy the contents in an easier and more immediate way, ensuring a flexible and accessible navigation from all the latest generation devices.
Particularly important are the NEWS section, constantly updated with the latest news, and the PRODUCTS section, with easy access to the technical datasheet of the each series and to the new catalogue.
The customer can also easily search the products by sector of application.
Immediately visible and accessible, the WEBTOOL section contains some useful tools to facilitate the identification of the most suitable product for your application (CAF – Filter Assist Configuration) or the interchangeable UFI element with respect to the competition (CROSS REFERENCE) which will soon be integrated and enriched by the 3D LIBRARY.
Moreover the new website integrates the social profiles of the UFI Group, Linkedin and YouTube with the possibility to share web content with other users.
Enjoy your surfing!